
New Members Class

Date: FEB 02

Beginning Sunday, February 2nd | 9:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall for 5 weeks.

Please attend if you are a new member or if you have yet to complete your classes.

We look forward to seeing you!

Faithful Foundations – Hosted by Women of Grace

Date: FEB 01

The Women of Grace Ministry invite you to join us for a morning of fellowship and sisterhood! Together, we aim to learn how to navigate our respective walks of faith to strengthen our respective relationships with God.

Register Here

Church Wide Bible Study

Date: JAN 29

I Am A Church Member:

Discovering the Attitude that Makes the Difference

Beginning: Wednesday, January 29th | 7 PM


The Measure of A Man Series – Hosted by Men’s Ministry

Date: JAN 25

Beginning Saturday, January 25th | 9 AM

Keller Springs Baptist Church Fellowship Hall

All men invited!